Professional Diet Killing You?

Professional Diet Killing You?

A diet, by definition, consists of the things that we regularly consume to improve and positively impact our well-being.  Our diet is what we ingest, and most likely will determine our ability to perform.  Diets even impact the quality of our lives. Dieting to lose weight, especially excess weight, is designed to increase mobility, improve heart health, gain traction and lead a healthier life.

The Performance Review: It's Not a Report Card

The Performance Review: It's Not a Report Card

There are many different opinions about performance reviews. Some organizations have formal reviews once per year with a check point at midyear. Other organizations are being less formal and have gotten rid of the formal review process altogether in hopes that their leaders will have performance conversations at a regular, casual cadence. I have recently learned of an organization that has eliminated ratings altogether…kind of. See, the employees think they aren’t being rated but the leaders and HR professionals have a rating scale that is private. In essence, they are lying to the people. Why?