“Culturally Responsive Leadership in Schools” Workbook


“Culturally Responsive Leadership in Schools” Workbook

Sale Price:$39.99 Original Price:$49.99

“Culturally Responsive Leadership in Schools: 7 Strategies for School Improvement” Workbook

By Drs. Nicole D. Price & Ian A. Roberts

Attitude reflects leadership! Culturally responsive leadership supports inclusive environments for every human in the building. This focus on an inclusive climate improves learning for students and supports families with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. It involves dismantling policies and practices that result in disproportionality and trickles down to create inclusive pedagogies.

After a deep dive into the strategies in this workbook, you and your teams will be equipped with the skills and practical tools that are necessary to build investment in all stakeholders, and lead your teams to true mission accomplishment.

Section of the workbook include:

  • Workbook Objectives

  • Seven Key Strategies

    • Developing a Mission and Vision

    • Understanding the Power of Seven Second Chances

    • Engaging the Community

    • Utilizing a Daily Operations Excellence Plan (D.O.P.E.)

    • Identifying the Non-negotiables

    • Coaching for Impact

    • Creating an Environment of Celebration

  • Pledge

  • Personal Development Plan

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About this Resource

Why is this topic important?

Today’s school leaders (superintendent, principals, assistant principals, teachers, staff) make an average of 500 decisions that affect millions of lives daily. These decisions are coupled with developing partnerships and a host of other undertakings that include interactions with various stakeholders, leadership observations, IEP meetings, disciplinary referrals, data meetings, parent meetings, etc. Leaders are expected to inspire a shared mission and vision, and create a common understanding in environments where many performance gaps exist, when failure is often the order of the day. Empowering these educators with proven evidence-based strategies is a potential solution to the expected failure.

What can you achieve with this resource?

One of the strategies, Understanding the Power of Seven Second-Chances™, encourages educators to re-examine their approach to delivering on highly effective capacity building opportunities for adults, and increasing student achievement at scale.