
Step 1: If you haven’t already, assess any advantage categories using the Implicit Association Test.

Step 2: Rate yourself below on the Culturally Responsive Rubric based on the advantage categories determined above. As an example, if you determined you have ‘class advantage’ (from the Advantage Checklist) assess yourself on the rubric considering people without class advantage.


The attached rubric is a straightforward diagnostic tool for helping you evaluate your own susceptibility to culturally destructive behavior. Think broadly about the term ‘culture.’ It helps to think of an area where you have cultural advantage (i.e. class, ethnicity, citizenship, sexuality, etc.) Oftentimes where people have advantage, they are also culturally destructive.

Then rate yourself on your responsiveness to ONE cultural group. You will need to rate yourself separately for each cultural group you chose.

Reading from left to right, identify how you think, feel, and believe related to the group you have chosen. Keep in mind, you are not rating how kind you are or aren’t. You are rating yourself on your thoughts and how those thoughts manifest in your behaviors.


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