The Situation
A suburban school district that is predominantly white and has virtually a 100% white staff is interested in how to support black and brown children.
The educators in the district, including principals and principal leaders, struggle to have conversations about differences in general. When situations arise whereby a child or family has a special need, whether that is academically, physically, racially or from a sexual orientation or religious perspective, educators don’t have the skill or practice to engage in conversations that create positive solutions for everyone.
Although the request came as a result of racial tensions and needs, the employees of the district needed some foundational understanding about difference and inclusion and the challenges of both. They also have demonstrated that they lack some basic skill related to discussions when stakes are high, and the topic is emotionally charged and intellectually challenging.
— Diversity & Inclusion Training Sessions
Utilize the diversity and inclusion and framework minus the racial component in order to help educators and their leaders understand the basics in ways that are not intellectually challenging or emotionally charged.
— Role Play Scenarios
Teach the uncommon ways that exclusion shows up and help people who are in marginalized groups experience that exclusion; these sessions will help with progress in terms of required intellectual horsepower and emotional intelligence.

The Outcome
“These sessions have been the best professional development sessions [my organization] has provided to me.”
— Employee Feedback
Participants learned how to: give and receive feedback, acknowledge social power structures, use positional power for good, understand your conflict reaction style and how it impacts the way you approach vital conversations, listen empathetically, and ultimately create their own personal educational racial equity plan.